What makes a “Christian” t-shirt?

Look up Christian shirts online, and you will find that virtually all of them contain a Bible verse or other God phrase on them. This seems to be what defines a shirt as "Christian."

These shirts can serve a practical purpose. For starters, they can remind the person who's wearing it of what they should focus on throughout the day. Any glance down, or in a mirror, or even just a memory of selecting their morning outfit, can keep their faith foremost in their mind – a simpler version of starting the day with a quiet time.

The other purpose that is frequently touted is that they can be conversation starters with other people, and thus a chance to share your faith. If such a shirt opens the door to an engaging discussion of Christianity and why you believe what you believe, that's great.

But we have to be careful that this type of (sometimes) passive witness doesn't supplant impactful interactions. We must always remember that actions speak louder than words. Fellow Christians might appreciate seeing a shirt like this, but non-believers can sometimes feel like they're being talked at, rather than talked with - like seeing a John 3:16 placard at a sporting event. And that can limit its effectiveness as a ministry.

I wanted to design a shirt that engages in effective ministry from the instant someone clicks the word "Purchase."

The business model we're using guarantees that (at least) half of the money earned by each Cross Stitch sale goes to help the people that Jesus told us to help. I wanted to make sure no one could claim that this product, or its wearer, is all talk. This shirt is about putting faith into action.

And yes, if you're wearing one of our shirts, my hope is that the unique design of cross-shaped stitching on the front, or the unusual logo on the back, will inspire people to inquire about the brand – at which point you can tell them about our business model, and how that squares with your belief in Christ. And now you're talking with them - on a topic they actually brought up. And maybe someday the Cross Stitch brand will be established enough that when someone sees it, they'll know right away that you've chosen to use your purchasing power in a God-driven way.

But even before that happens, your purchase will have already advanced the Kingdom.


“Take up your cross” - clarified


The Cross Stitch Business Model